
Knock, Knock . . . Is There ANYONE There?

6 February 2010

Question:  How many lawyers does it take to give a legal ruling on a Knitters Guild Nomination Form?

Answer:    FIVE

We all know that if you ask two lawyers the same question, you’re likely to get two different answers.

So how did the 5 lawyers I consulted rule?

No. 1:         For me

No. 2:         For me

No. 3:         For me

No. 4:         For me

No. 5:         For me

I think we can sense a pattern here.

And how did the Guild rule?  Against me!

Further details to follow.




  1. You know 5 lawyers? What are you, some kind of terrorist?

    • Perhaps I should pick my friends more carefully! Strangely, all five of them are really nice people, though. And some are even knitters.

      • that is it you are a knitting terrorist it all makes sense now…..

  2. What a hoot, Sally! At least we can all still laugh – but then, that’s what one does at a farce!!

  3. Perhaps there is some committee we could institute by popular acclamation?

  4. But maybe the Knitter’s Guild is really a Sub Committee of the Law Society?

    • Is the Law Society really that disfunctional?

  5. Well maybe they know as much about knitting as the Guild does about law. That’s unfair and doing the Law Society a disservice – there are probably some good knitters in the Law Society. It just sounds like the Guild Exec doesn’t have good lawyers on it.

  6. Sally,
    I hesitate to be definitive without a copy of the Constitution, but I just retrieved my Membership Renewal Form and it states that Final Payment Date is Sunday 28th February.
    It also states clearly that:
    “It is necessary to be a financial member BEFORE (my emphasis) nominating, seconding, or accepting nomination….” It also states that Members not renewing must submit their resignation in writing.
    Ahhh – just looked at the Constitution. I think the reference is “Nominations for election shall be submitted, on the appropriate form, to the Returning Officer not later than … . Every nominee, nominator and seconder shall be Full and Financial Members of the Guild”.
    My read of the different documents is two interpretatons:
    – either they should be paid up at the date of nomination (ie when they complete the form), as per the form wording, OR
    – they should be paid up by 28 February 2010.

    This is a strictly legal interpretation. I’ll not comment on the intent and reasonableness to ensure a fair and equitable outcome.
    I hope those who have taken this route know they are on safe ground.

  7. Surely if they are acting illegally there is something we can do!

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